Theme Park Worldwide visit Crealy
23rd Jul 2018
We were extremely happy to welcome Theme Park Worldwide to our park this month and they have put together a Vlog taking you around our park and our attactions.
Things to do for the Family in Devon - Crealy Theme Park & Resort
5th Jul 2018
There are plenty of things to do for the family in Devon, especially when staying with Crealy Theme Park and Resort as our location has easy access to many great attractions around Devon.
Only 80's/90's Kids Will Pass this Quiz!
26th Apr 2018
Take our quiz to be taken back down memory lane to the TV shows that we were obsessed with when we were little, to tell our own kids about! Answers can be found at the bottom of the post, but no cheating!
10 Top Tips for Travelling with a Toddler
12th Apr 2018
Those with children aged between 1 – 5 years old will totally understand that it can be a bit of a rollercoaster trying to keep with your tot happy, especially in a new environment that they're not used to.
Egg-cellent Easter Activities for Kids
26th Mar 2018
The Easter holidays are just around the corner so 'chick' out these Easter themed activities to keep your little ones entertained!