Contact Us

Please select the relevant tab below based on your enquiry

General Enquiries

Please note, General Enquiries does not include Ride Access Pass (RAP), Dog Kennels or Wheelchair bookings. Please use the Theme Park Booking enquiries tab above for this type of enquiry. 

For all enquiries relating to a short break, please use the Short Break tab above or email

Annual Pass Enquiries:

For all enquiries involving Annual Passes, please submit the form below.

Theme Park Booking Enquiries

Includes enquiries about Ride Access Passes (RAP), Kennel Hire & Wheelchair Bookings. 

Short Break Enquiries

If you're looking to Manage your accommodation booking including paying your balance, please click here. 

Lost Property Enquiries

Job Enquiries

Looking to find out our latest vacancies/work experience? Click here. 

For all other job enquiries, please enter your enquiry below.

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